Here is the second wave of awesome cosplay from Anime Matsuri 2013 for your eye organs to feast on! Speaking of feasting, there were plenty of yummy food available to con goers thanks the awesome food trucks. These food trucks (pictured in the gallery) provide good food at reasonable prices and a different fare from the usual hot dogs you can buy from street vendors.
Back to the cosplay talk, we have more for you to see from cosplayers from all over and not just from Houston. Also behold my obvious bias towards Madoka Magica cosplay since I also did some cosplay as "Bromura", a male genderbend of Akemi Homura from the aforementioned anime.
Check out my picture with that rockin' Lara Croft cosplayer from the recently released Tomb Raider, she even has the detail down on to the large puncture wound on Lara's side (Ouch!) which you can see in the picture. Check out those impressive big cosplays such as that full-sized Dalek and that Ruby Weapon featured in the last post, showing the person inside to show the actual scale of the costume.
Also in our gallery is Anime Matsuri musical guest, The Lady Spade, who just happened to stop by my friend's table at artist's alley. I was there when they dropped by and my friend had to point out that it was them. I reflexively gave an awkard (but properly pronounced) konnichiwa to them. They also said my bow was awesome. They're cool.
Check out the other parts the galleries:
Anime Matsuri 2013 - Gallery Part 1
Anime Matsuri 2013 - Gallery Part 3
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